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About Me

My name is Jeannette, although I've been known to go by other things.
Jnet to some my family - sometimes Jett. 
Netto to a few close friends- they're the only one allowed to use this.
I've probably been called other things - but not to my face.
I hope you enjoy this blog - read, comment, and share!  This is a chance to follow my life if you know me and a chance to get to know me if you don't!

I loved college so much, I decided to stay in it for the rest of my life. Kind of.  
I have an M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration and Student Personnel, and I work as a Residence Life Coordinator - which means I live in the residence hall with about 350 students. I don't live in your typical "dorm room" - it's a pretty fancy apartment. Living on a college campus has a lot of great moments and a lot of frustrating moments - but it's all worth it for the "I love my job" moments. It's not your typical 9-5 job. Yeah I have 9-5 office hours, but it's also full of on call weeks, hospital visits, emotional meltdowns, planning fun events, watching students grow, and so much more. 
Living in a college environment is probably most interesting for Steve, my husband.  He probably thought he was done with other drunk college students, and pulled fire alarms.  He is a prisoner, forced against his will.  We have been married for almost a year (November 19) and have been together since September 12, 2009.   He is my best friend and makes me a better person.  You guessed it, I love him. I dragged him down South to Georgia with me after he spent almost his entire life in Ohio. It is an interesting change and we are loving the experience. 

I try to be a positive person - not like in a Pollyanna-optimism-type way: when something gets me down I try to remember the brighter side of things to get me through the hard times.  

Here are a few facts about me: 

I love to cook - it honestly feeds my soul after a long day. There is no better compliment than returning from a pot-luck style party with an empty dish and rave reviews. My parents own a restaurant, blame them.

 I love to craft (when I find time).

I never like pictures of me -but when I find one I like, I'm obsessed with using it.

I love to sing. So does my husband - and he is an amazing singer.

I've recently been on a weight loss kick - not in a lose 3 pounds kind of way but a lose a lot of pounds kind of way. I guess I'm trying to change my lifestyle a little bit at a time.

Halloween and Thanksgiving are my favorite Holidays. Followed by Christmas. Basically October through December I'm on a perpetual high. I love the smells, the feelings, the changes in the weather and the togetherness of friends and family.

love pinot noir, margaritas, Oktoberfest, and Yuengling. However, I don't discriminate against my alcohol. I'll probably try it at least once. . . 

I've lost more water bottles and drink containers than I can count.

Green, Pink, and Tiffany Blue are my favorite colors

I love putting on a full face of make up (almost) every morning (basically except days I'm not leaving the house, riding in the car all day, doing house work, kinda days) - I think I look weird without it and it completes a look.

I can't wait to have a dog.

I bleed BLACK and GOLD

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  1. I'm looking at your About Me and thinking, we are like soul sistas! The fav holidays/season, and Tiffany Blue! I love it. We do have lots of stuff in common! I can't wait to follow along with your blog!

    1. Hahah Okay I'm glad you said that too and I don't feel like a creeper for saying that on yours! I bought a sponsorship on your blog BTW

  2. I worked as an RA in College, so I could only imagine what you go through on the daily! I love your blog!
